Redundancy - Mini Masterclass

An increasing number of businesses are needing to make redundancies. Whether this is due to increasing costs, changes in legislation, restructuring or closure, this 2-hour session will assist those who need to design and manage a redundancy process.


Join us for a small group discussion to understand what is required, and how to avoid common mistakes.
We will be running the session on Wednesday 2 April from 3-5pm in Cheltenham. Topics to be covered are:

 ·        The legal framework of redundancy

·         When it is a redundancy situation and when it’s not

·         Your obligations as an employer, pools of selection, selection criteria, redeployment

·         Collective and individual consultation

 This session would be suitable for business owners, HR and Operations or Finance Directors.

 You will leave the session with the knowledge you need to plan and carry out a redundancy process from start to finish, complete with example letters.

 This will be a chance to hear from the experts as well as explore any questions regarding redundancy consultation.
Tea & coffee will be provided.


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