We put ourselves in your shoes

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Every law firm tries to think of ways to be ‘different’. We think about you instead.

But what does that actually mean for you?

What’s best about us is that from that very first conversation, we put ourselves in your shoes to find out exactly what you want to achieve. So if you want a lawyer who makes the law work for you, is completely open and transparent about their fees, doesn’t sit on the fence, doesn’t leave all the difficult decisions to you, who tells you what you should do and not just what you can do, then talk to us.

The success of our approach to the law means we have grown rapidly and expanded our range of services. Originally Employment Law specialists, working for employers and employees, we now have expertise and a proven track record in many areas of Business Law.

I would thoroughly recommend Sherborne’s services to any employer – large or small


Staffing Issues after Sunday’s Final

European Cup Final Who can be unaware that this country (England) has reached the final of the European Cup this Sunday. For those of us with HR responsibility, this brings with it a question. Do we, as an Employer, kill...
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Mini Masterclass – Preparing for a Labour Government

Mini Masterclass – Preparing for a Labour government Labour’s election manifesto contained a pledge to implement their “Plan to Make Work Pay” in full. This separate 23-page plan includes numerous aspects of employment law which they intend to change. This...
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Conversative and Liberal Democrat plans for Employment Law

Conversative and Liberal Democrat plans for Employment Law Having looked at the Labour party’s plan for employment law last week, this article looks at the key proposed changes to employment law contained in the Conversative and Liberal Democrat’s manifestos.  ...
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Labour’s plans for Employment Law

Labour’s plans for employment law YouGov polls show Labour heading for a landslide victory. If polling is correct, businesses will face a significant number of changes to employment legislation as Labour have said in their manifesto they plan to implement...
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Beware of Companies House

Companies House: we will find you, we will question you, and we (may) fine you. Those of you who manage companies will know all about the exciting task of keeping various company filings up to date with the Registrar at...
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Off side doesn’t always mean no goal

Off side doesn’t always mean no goal Last week the CIPD’s People Management Daily e-mail reported on the case of Chelsea Football Club’s groundsman who was found to have been unfairly dismissed after sending out anonymous e-mails claiming the Club’s...
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