5 days ago
Flexible Working Changes
The law changes as of today in relation to the right to request flexible working patterns. Until now the right existed only for parents and carers, as of today the right is extended to all employees. The government has also relaxed the complicated procedure which had to be followed. Following a request the employer has 3 months to decide whether to agree or not. Some advisors are saying that this means employers will need to change their policies, but this is not necessarily the case as the old regime, if followed, will more than meet the new criteria. However if you want to be ahead of the game, a review of your policy would not be a disadvantage. Those readers on the Arcturus scheme can have their policies updated at no cost, just let us know. The grounds for refusing a request remain the same. Burden of extra costs Effect on ability to meet demand Inability to reorganise work among existing staff Inability to recruit staff Impact on quality Impact on performance Not enough work at the employees preferred times Planned structural changes. Don’t panic about this right, we remind you it is the right to REQUEST to work flexibly, not to actually work flexibly.