Employment Law Updates
Reference Salary for Job Support Scheme
This update is written and posted on Monday 26th October 2020 and will quickly become out of date once further details are known. We will endeavour to update it as soon as information becomes available.   Just as the furlough scheme imposed a cap on what could be claimed, the...
Employment Law Updates
Further expansion of Job Support Scheme
This update is written and posted on Thursday 22nd October 2020 and will quickly become out of date once further details are known. We will endeavour to update it as soon as information becomes available. Following criticism that the Job Support Scheme did not provide support for those businesses in...
Employment Law Updates
Expansion of Job Support Scheme
This update is written and posted on Monday 12th October 2020 and will quickly become out of date once further details are known. We will endeavour to update it as soon as information becomes available.   In advance of the Government’s announcement today as to the three tier system for...
Employment Law Updates
Job Retention Bonus
The Job Retention Bonus was announced at the end of July, full guidance has just been published. The bonus is a one-off £1,000 payment for every employee who was furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and remains employed continuously until 31 January 2021. It can also be claimed for...
Employment Law Updates
New offences relating to self-isolation.
This update is written and posted on Monday 28th September 2020. It is subject to change in future and we will endeavour to update it as soon as changes are announced. As of last night, it is now an offence in England for an employer to knowingly allow an employee...
Employment Law Updates
Job Support Scheme
This update is written and posted on Thursday 24th September 2020 and will quickly become out of date once further details are known. We will endeavour to update it as soon as information becomes available. The Chancellor has announced this morning that he is introducing a Job Support Scheme to...
Employment Law Updates
UK Citizens returning to the UK from Spain are now told that they must self isolate for 2 weeks. With the change in rules, some employers are asking what their obligations are to employees who cannot return after holiday until two weeks self isolation has expired. The employer has flexibility...
Employment Law Updates
24TH March 2020 Further questions coming as a result of the current coronavirus crisis concern whether or not employers can ask employees to go to work during the new Lockdown.   As with so much at the present time there has been a lack of clarity. The position changed numerous...
Employment Law Updates
Annual Leave and Disruption of Plans
When plans of employees during pre-booked holidays fall apart for any reason, whether that be the collapse of the holiday company, or unexpected illness, different rules apply according to exactly what the circumstances are. The basic rule is that the intention of the legislation, and therefore the thing that courts...
Employment Law Updates
Guidance To Employers Determining If An Employee Is Disabled
In this case, an employer dismissed an employee who had been absent for 128 days.  The reasons for the absence were given as various, but included Work Related Stress and blood pressure. The employee brought claims, relying on being disabled and included a claim for failure to make reasonable adjustments....
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