5 days ago
New duty to prevent sexual harassment begins to bite
As of 1stApril the clinically extremely vulnerable are not required to shield and are no longer entitled to SSP for doing so.
The letter being sent out by the Department of Health and Social Care advises that the rules of lockdown continue to apply, and that employers are obliged to take steps to ensure that the workplace is safe.
This will include the obligation on employers to provide for social distancing at work, where workers cannot work from home. Other rather obvious steps include requiring masks to be worn, limiting those in any given office space and providing for ventilation.
With the extension of the furlough scheme until 30th September, should an employer wish to furlough someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable then this is still possible (subject to the employee’s agreement) but it is not a requirement.
It should go without saying, but if someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable is not well enough to attend work as a result of ill health, then they will still be entitled to SSP.
The actual letter can be read Here. Letter to clinically extremely vulnerable people (publishing.service.gov.uk)
If you have any employment law related questions, please contact Trula Brunsdon on 01242250039 or at trula@sherborneslaw.co.uk.